Breast density

Breast density overview

We have commenced a staged rollout of breast density reporting in our program. 

Here you can find answers to commonly asked questions about breast density. 

We continue to recommend women aged 50 to 74 have a breast screen (mammogram) every two years as it is still considered the most effective way to detect breast cancer early. 


Breast density - frequently asked questions

We are currently in the early stages of a state-wide rollout of breast density reporting. This means we are reporting breast density to some clients in their results letter and seeking feedback from them to inform the rest of the rollout. 

We expect to be reporting breast density to all clients by early 2025. 

Breasts are made up of a combination of tissue: 

  • Fatty tissue 
  • Glandular tissue 
  • Connective/fibrous tissue 

Together, glandular and connective/fibrous tissue is referred to as fibroglandular tissue. 

People with dense breasts have more fibroglandular tissue and less fatty tissue. 

Breast density is not related to how breasts look, feel or their size and can only be measured from a mammogram. It cannot be assessed by a physical examination. 

Breast density is commonly classified into four categories. People with a Category C or D classification are considered to have dense breasts. 

The higher the level of breast density, the harder it can be to see cancers on a mammogram. This is because fibroglandular tissue and cancers both appear white on a mammogram. 

Having dense breasts can also increase the risk of developing cancer. Having dense breasts does not mean that a person will develop breast cancer, just that the risk is higher. Breast density should be considered alongside other risks for breast cancer including age and family history.  

Approximately 50% of all women have dense breasts (either Category C or D). 

Yes. Breast density usually reduces with age, particularly after menopause. More younger women have dense breasts compared to older women. 

Breast density is also influenced by other factors including genetics, BMI (a lower BMI is associated with higher breast density), having had children (may decrease breast density), hormone replacement therapy (may increase breast density), and anti-estrogen therapy (may decrease breast density). 

Breast density is measured from a mammogram. 

BreastScreen Victoria uses automated software, Volpara, to measure breast density. Using software means your breast density category is measured objectively, unlike when it is measured through a manual review. 

No. Breast density is measured as part of the regular screening process. No additional time, imaging or radiation is required to measure breast density. 

No. Volpara’s software can’t measure breast density in a small number of cases.  

We won’t repeat your screening if the software can’t measure your breast density as it would unnecessarily expose you to additional radiation. 

We recommend that all clients between the ages of 50 to 74 continue to have screening mammograms every two years, regardless of their breast density. Even in dense breasts, mammograms detect most breast cancers. 

If you have extremely dense breasts (Category D), we recommend you discuss your overall risk of breast cancer with a doctor. 

If you have other risk factors for breast cancer, you may wish to discuss additional tests with a doctor. This may include: 

  • MRI 
  • Ultrasound 
  • Tomosynthesis, or 
  • Contrast enhanced mammography 

Additional tests are not currently available as part of the BreastScreen program. 

If you have Category C breast density and have any questions or concerns about your breast density, you can discuss this with a doctor. 

If you have any questions about breast density, you can call us on 03 8843 0029.