Measuring program success

Measuring the success of our breast screening program

Measuring the success of our breast screening program

To ensure you can be confident in getting quality of service, we measure and track many aspects of our process and performance. 

These include:

  • encouraging as many eligible Victorians as possible to attend screening (participation)
  • cancer detection rates
  • minimising the negative impacts of screening on clients attending our program
  • getting results or treatment as soon as possible
  • ensuring our clients have the best possible experience at the point of service

The National Accreditation Standards stipulate compliance with numerous specific measures, for more information see Quality and accreditation.


Participation relates to an appropriate level of access and participation of women in the target and eligible population. Our recruitment strategies are targeted at women and Trans and gender diverse people aged 50−74 years and the screening interval is every two years for most of our clients.

Cancer detection rates

BreastScreen Victoria aims to maximise the early detection of breast cancer in the target population.

Mammography is the primary screening method and all mammograms are taken by someone appropriately trained in screening mammography.

Safety and harm minimisation

Breast cancer detection is maximised and harm, either physical or emotional, is minimised.


Timeliness refers to our clients being provided with access to screening and assessment services in a timely and efficient manner.

Client focused

BreastScreen Victoria has a number of initiatives to deepen its understanding of a our clients' experience with the BreastScreen program. We work to address all client feedback to ensure the service is delivered in a manner which is acceptable, in accessible, non-threatening and comfortable environments.

This helps us to offer a service that is of high quality and client centric, meaning our clients feel well informed, appropriately engaged and supported.

Further information

Would you like more information? Please speak with us.