Public Interest Disclosure Statement

Public Interest Disclosure Statement

BreastScreen Victoria is committed to a culture of honest, just and responsible behaviour and strong corporate governance.

In order to protect these ethics and values, BSV supports the making of disclosures that reveal improper conduct of its Board members, Directors or employees.

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic) (formerly Protected Disclosure Act 2012)  governs disclosure by an individual of “improper conduct” or “detrimental action” at BreastScreen Victoria.

BreastScreen Victoria has a Public Interest Disclosure Policy and a supporting environment to allow for:

  • the making of disclosures
  • protection of people who make disclosures from reprisals

The Act provides that disclosures about BreastScreen Victoria which are Public Interest Disclosures (as defined in the Act) to be made to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC). Disclosures of improper conduct or detrimental action may be made orally or in writing to:

The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)
Phone: 1300 735 135
Fax: (03) 8635 6444
Post: IBAC, GPO Box 24234, Melbourne, Victoria 3000

For more information on public interest disclosures, visit the IBAC website.

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