Picture of Health

Picture of Health

Picture of Health

Screen with pride. Get your picture of health.  

We provide free breast screens to women and trans and gender diverse people with no breast symptoms.  Breast screens every two years are the best way to find breast cancer early.  

BreastScreen Victoria is Rainbow Tick accredited, meaning we are committed to offering a safe, inclusive, and welcoming service to LGBTI+ people.  

Check your eligibility  

You should screen every two years if you are aged 50 to 74.  

Trans and gender diverse people can have a unique set of factors that may affect risk. Check your eligibility and ask your doctor about your personal risk factors/if you need screening.  

Book now button

Thorne Harbour Health logo


Picture of Health is a partnership between BreastScreen Victoria and Thorne Harbour Health to encourage more LGBTI+ community members to have regular breast screens. LGBTI+ people are less likely to have had a breast screen, and we want to change that. 

Meet our ambassadors

Our Picture of Health ambassadors Brenda, Ricki, Caroline and Deb share the importance of screening and urge others to check their eligibility. 

Spread the word

Share our social media tiles, posters, and videos with your friends, family, and communities.  

Green Picture of Health featuring Deb

Purple Picture of Health tile featuring Ricki.

Share these social media tiles on your social media channels, along with this message:

“LGBTI+ people are less likely to have had a breast screen, and we want to change that. Screen with pride and get your picture of health. Check your eligibility at breastscreen.org.au/pictureofhealth or call 13 20 50.”

Please remember to tag us and use the hashtag #PictureOfHealth.

@BreastScreenVic on Facebook
@breastscreenvictoria on Instagram
@BreastScreenVic on Twitter


Picture of Health poster red Brenda

Picture of Health poster green Caroline
