
The next four years: BreastScreen Victoria’s new strategic plan

BreastScreen Victoria was delighted to launch our new Strategic Plan 2021-2025 on Thursday, 1 July, and we look forward to using the plan to guide our work over the next four years.

CEO Terri Smith said, “Our new strategic Focus Areas will build on the great work we’ve already been doing to reduce the impact of breast cancer, and provide a clear direction for the future.”

The four Focus Areas have been developed after consultation with staff, clients, and partner organisations:

  • Client First
    Clients come first in everything we do and we seek their contribution to the planning and delivery of a service that delivers a high-quality experience.
  • Working as One BreastScreen Victoria Team
    Our Screening Services, Reading and Assessment Services and BreastScreen Coordination Unit work as one, cohesive and integrated team with a shared vision and purpose focused on delivering the best possible health outcomes.
  • A High Quality Service
    Continuous quality improvement is central to our work, ensuring the delivery of high-quality and evidence-based services that meet the needs of our clients throughout their experience with our service.
  • Supporting Diversity and Inclusion
    We support diverse communities who may be less likely to come to BreastScreen so they can understand the importance of screening and improve their access to a culturally safe and inclusive service.

To support this work, we will continue to partner with clients, consumer ambassadors, health professionals, and community groups, seeking their feedback, engagement, and support to reach our communities effectively.

“Saving lives through early detection is achieved by working together with a shared purpose, and we’re looking forward to working more with our community to achieve these goals,” Terri said.

Thank you to all those who gave feedback throughout the planning process. We look forward to the future and the impact we can make together.