
Pharmacy program to increase breast screening in Latrobe City

Pharmacies in Latrobe City will join forces with BreastScreen Victoria and Gippsland Primary Health Network (PHN) to promote free breast screening to local women over the next three months.

Only 57.5 per cent of women aged 50-74 in Latrobe City have a breast screen every two years, which means almost half of eligible women are not prioritising regular mammograms. 

Regular screening is the best way to find breast cancer early, before there are symptoms and when treatment is most successful.  

Our research shows that while a health professional's recommendation will influence a woman to screen, GP visits may not be regular enough for a timely reminder.

Pharmacies, however, are familiar environments, often visited, and can therefore play a significant role in educating women about the importance of breast screening. Participating pharmacies in Latrobe include:

  • Chemist Discount Centre Moe
  •  Chemist Discount Centre Churchill
  •  Chemist Discount Centre Morwell
  •  Advantage Pharmacy Morwell
  • Montagues Pharmacy, Morwell
  • Chemist Warehouse Traralgon
  • Findlay and Weymouth Amcal Chemist, Traralgon

Appointments at BreastScreen Victoria clinics take just 10 minutes, are with a woman and are free. Book online or call 13 20 50.