
Celebrating life one breast screen at a time

Every time Natalie Vujovich has a clear breast screen, she celebrates life. 

Seven of Natalie's family members have been affected by cancer, including her father, who passed away in 2013 and her sister, who completed treatment for the second time in 2018 after a double mastectomy in 2010. 

Natalie attends St Vincent's BreastScreen every year for a mammogram. 

"I did have a lump that required needle aspiration, but thankfully and luckily, it was benign," Natalie said.  

Natalie encourages other women to take the time to get checked. 

"I am always quick to encourage friends to check themselves every month, to make sure they know their bodies and recognise changes. Don't wait, have a check, learn about cancer and be breast aware because, after all, you are responsible for your own health." 

BreastScreen Victoria is open and screening with COVID-19 safety measures in place. We look forward to welcoming you to your next appointment. 

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