
544 women screened via Click & Collect at the Rose Clinic

The Rose Clinic’s Click & Collect breast screening service has wrapped up after screening almost 550 women during the state’s most recent lockdown.

BreastScreen Victoria’s clinics and mobile screening vans continued to operate throughout 2020 and 2021, despite restrictions; however, the location of the Rose Clinic within David Jones’ flagship CBD store meant it had to pause screening due to retail closures.

When the most recent lockdown was introduced across the state, the Rose Clinic adopted an innovative approach. They escorted clients through David Jones and up to the clinic while the store stayed closed to the public through the Click & Collect service door. This model allowed the team to screen up to 30 women per day.

The Click & Collect screening service was a huge success. Between Wednesday, 8 September and Thursday, 28 October (inclusive), 544 clients screened at the Rose Clinic, 200 of whom were overdue for their regular two-yearly screen and 99 who screened for the first time.

Client feedback has been very positive. Screeners reported that the entire process from the initial check-in at the door to the screen itself was easy and efficient. Many stated that they were excited to walk through David Jones while it was closed.

“Escorting clients through to the Rose Clinic and back down gave us the feeling that we were supplying a VIP service,” said Luisa, the receptionist at the Rose Clinic. “It was gratifying to hear that clients appreciated our service under difficult circumstances.”

Some saw their screening appointment as a rare opportunity to leave the house during the lockdown.

“Many ladies admitted that [their appointment] had been their first outing in months, if not for a year or so. Quite a few came to the clinic in ‘real clothes’ and dressed up,” said Luisa.

As state-wide restrictions have now eased and retail has reopened, the Rose Clinic has resumed regular screening. However, some critical Victorian Government rules exist for non-essential retail settings such as David Jones. Clients must be double vaccinated to screen at the Rose Clinic and wear fitted face masks. This time though, women are free to shop—not just browse—after their visit.