
Women at risk: Find the 1500

Today the Herald Sun reported on the more than 1,000 Victorian women that may be unaware that they have breast cancer because they are not regularly screening.

A follow up to the Find the 1500 campaign that BreastScreen Victoria ran during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the state government released figures today that just 53.7 per cent of women were screening regularly.

Areas with the lowest screening rates include Benambra, Melbourne, Prahran, Ovens Valley and Albert Park. Participation jumps to 60 per cent in areas such as Bendigo West, Bellarine, and Niddrie.

South Barwon, which includes Torquay, has seen almost two thirds of women in the same age bracket being regularly screened (every two years).

“The latest data shows there’s plenty of work to do to make sure everyone is as best protected as they can be from the tragedy of breast cancer,” said Acting minister for Health, Martin Foley.

BreastScreen Victoria is calling on everyone in the community to help them find the 1500 women in Victoria that might have breast cancer but don’t know it because they haven’t had a breast screen.

 All women aged between 50 and 74 should have a breast screen every two years, but all women aged over 40 are eligible to attend a BreastScreen Victoria Clinic. 



What can you do?
  • If you’re over the age of 50 and haven’t had a breast screen in the last two years, book your appointment today.
  • Talk to the women in your life, your family and friends and if they are over the age of 50, ask if they’ve had a breast screen in the last two years.
  • Share our social media posts and help us spread the word
Bookings can be made online at or by calling 13 20 50.
A breast screen with BreastScreen Victoria takes just ten minutes, is with a women, and best of all it’s free.