
The Hon Gabrielle Williams MP supports breast screening in Dandenong

The Minister for Women and State Member for Dandenong, the Hon Gabrielle Williams MP, visited BreastScreen Victoria's mobile screening van in Dandenong's Palm Plaza yesterday to encourage people to book and attend a free breast screen.

In Dandenong, just 46.2% of eligible people had a breast screen with BreastScreen Victoria between 2017-19. This is below the state average percentage of 53.8%. This means that over 5,000 eligible people in Dandenong did not have a breast screen between 2017-19.

Figures also show that 40% of those who screen for the first time do not return for their second breast screen in Melbourne's south-east within the recommended time.

During her visit, Ms Williams toured the inside of the van and met with BreastScreen Victoria CEO Terri Smith, radiographer Kyla Kyaw and health promotion staff.  

BreastScreen Victoria CEO Terri Smith said, "We were thrilled to welcome Minister Williams on the van today, and thank her for promoting the importance of breast screening to the Dandenong community. Our mobile screening van visited Dandenong two years ago, and we would love to see anyone who screened last time to come and see us again."

“Detecting breast cancer early through a regular breast screen, before any symptoms are noticed, gives women the best chance of recovery," Ms Williams said. “I strongly encourage women to prioritise their health, and, if you’re over 50 and due for a breast screen, to book and attend an appointment. It’s free, takes just 10 minutes and may save your life.”

The mobile screening van travels around the state. It provides an opportunity for communities to have a breast screen in a convenient location with female staff, and without the need for a doctor's referral or Medicare card. It will be in Palm Plaza, Dandenong until Friday, 13 November with a limited number of appointments available.

To make a breast screen appointment on the van or at any clinic in Victoria, please call 13 20 50 or book online.

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