
Seeking Aboriginal artists – Expression of Interest due 5 October

BreastScreen Victoria is seeking to commission a Victorian-based Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artist to create an original artwork for our new clinic in Heidelberg, opening at the end of the year. 

One artist will be selected to create an artwork representing a story of health and wellbeing that includes breast health and breast screening.  New and emerging artists are encouraged to apply. 

All submissions will be reviewed, and the artist will be selected by a BreastScreenVictoria Aboriginal Consumer Network member, and representatives from VACCHO and BreastScreen Victoria. Artists will be paid $5,000 for their work and BreastScreen Victoria will have exclusive rights to also use the work on publications, social media and other collateral as required. 

How to apply?

Please read the Expression of Interest (EOI) and send applications to Jessica Elsworth, by 5 October.
In your application, please include: 

  • Name and contact details
  • CV and/or portfolio
  • A key creative idea you feel is the most important driver of the project
  • Statement confirming that you are able to meet the deliverable deadlines as outlined in the EOI. 
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