
Dr David Speakman appointed to the Order of Australia for contributions to medicine

Dr David Speakman, one of our State Clinical Directors, has been appointed to the Order of Australia at this year's Queen's Birthday Honours for his outstanding achievements and contributions to medicine—particularly cancer. 

Since November 2021, David has been one of BreastScreen Victoria's State Clinical Directors and in that time, he has brought a great deal of expertise to our organisation and demonstrated outstanding leadership.

David has played a key role in moving our program forward through his extensive research and his work on our advisory committees. 

He has been Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre’s Chief Medical Officer for over a decade and is a clinician in the Breast Screening and Melanoma and Skin Units at Peter Mac. 

“I am honoured by this recognition, and it also acknowledges the tremendous amount of work my colleagues do to deliver patient-centred care across the sector.”

“Also, I wish to congratulate all of the other award recipients who have been recognised for their contribution. Most importantly thanks and best wishes to all the patients, families and carers I’ve been privileged to be involved with over many years – you are why we all get out of bed every morning and so incredibly inspiring!’ he said.

We congratulate Dr David Speakman on this amazing recognition.  

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