
Annual Report 2020-21 now available

BreastScreen Victoria’s Annual Report and Financial Statement 2020-21 are now available on our website.

The Annual Report is called ‘Client voices shaping the way’ and highlights our commitment to continue putting clients at the heart of our work.

This year, the Annual Report has a different look and feel, and a completely new format. We have aimed to bring our work to life, and share information about the BreastScreen program, through the voices of our clients and staff. The Annual Report has a series of stories that provide insights and experiences about breast screening and assessment and working as part of the program.

The stories are told from different perspectives, and includes clients talking about screening for the first time and on the mobile screening van, taking part in our Consumer Engagement Network and having an assessment. We also hear from staff including a receptionist, radiographer, data manager and radiologist.

The Annual Report is entirely digital this year to better reflect the way we work now, and to be more sustainable. It is in a landscape format for ease of reading on a screen, and it is interactive with links to further information.

We hope you enjoy reading this year’s Annual Report.