Casey BreastScreen

Casey BreastScreen

  • Address

    Casey Hospital/62-70 Kangan Drive, Berwick, VIC, 3806, Australia
  • Phone

    Get directions
  • Parking

    Enter from Kangan Drive via Gate 1 on your left. Follow the road past the front main entrance and enter the public car park to your left. A drop off point is located at the main entrance. Enter the car park via boom gates and receive a parking ticket. On leaving, please pay for your parking at the pay booth using that ticket you received on your way in. The cost of parking for 0.0 – 1.0hr is $7.00.
  • Train

    For public transport information, visit or telephone 1800 800 007.

COVID-19 notice: If you bring a support person to your appointment who is not an essential carer, they must be double vaccinated to attend the clinic.


View and download a map of the clinic.